LogLocker for Privileged Access Logs

Privileged Access Logs

LogLocker provides administrator logs - records of activities performed by administrators on a system and a vital source of evidence for compliance.

LogLocker for Privileged Access Logs

Monitor administrator activity

Administrator logs are records of all activities performed by administrators on a computer system or network and remain a vital source of evidence for compliance and security work. These logs can be used to track and audit administrative activity, troubleshoot problems, and investigate security incidents.


LogLocker for Privileged Access Logs

Avoid administrator misuse

Monitoring administrators' activities is essential to identify and respond to misuse of privileges - misuse of administrative accounts can seriously impact your business.

Monitoring demonstrates that you are actively auditing your system, sending a clear message to deter misuse. It can also help you discover what activities have happened on your systems if an administrator account is compromised.

LogLocker for Privileged Access Logs

Collect and record audit logs

The key to monitoring administrator activity is to collect and record audit logs from all systems and applications administrators can access.

Audit logs identify and prove suspicious activity, such as unusual login times, unauthorised system settings changes, or sensitive data access. This helps you identify and respond to misuse quickly and effectively.

LogLocker for Privileged Access Logs

Collect and aggregate administrator logs with LogLocker


Manage settings changes

LogLocker helps you identify and respond to unauthorised changes to system settings. For example, if an administrator changes a password policy or disables a security feature, you can be alerted to the change and take corrective action.


Monitor data access

LogLocker helps you identify and respond to unauthorised access to sensitive data. For example, if an administrator accesses a customer database or records without authorisation, LogLocker to alerts you to the activity and helps you take action.


Investigate incidents

LogLocker helps you to investigate and respond to security incidents. For example, if there is a data breach, you can use LogLocker to review administrator logs to determine how the attackers accessed your system.

LogLocker for Privileged Access Logs

Manage administrators and protect your business

LogLocker monitors and creates an irrefutable record of the administrator activities is an essential part of protecting your business from cyber attacks and other security threats.

LogLocker simplifies a number of the most common challenges organisations face when trying to manage administrator logs




LogLocker simplifies storage and analysis providing scalable infrastructure and services to accommodate the large volumes of administrator logs generated.



LogLocker simplifies and presents data to non-technical teams in an understandable and accessible format, removing the technical complexity.



LogLocker provides enhanced security and data protection by default, ensuring that administrator logs are only accessible to authorised users.



LogLocker is ideally suited to organisations that are required by law or regulation to retain and audit administrator logs for a certain period of time. Managing and retaining administrator logs for potentially ten years can be a significant resource and expertise challenge. LogLocker’s data management features simplify the long-term retention and preservation of administrator logs, guaranteeing immutable and defensible compliance records.

LogLocker for administrator audit

Enhance your SIEM practices with LogLocker

By implementing LogLocker, organisations can overcome the challenges of administrator logs and improve their security and compliance posture.

Loglocker complements existing SIEM (security information and event management) solutions offering an independent, secure, distributed ledger to retain valuable administrator logs. Many SIEM solutions are designed for short-term log storage and analysis requirements, as they focus on security and identifying anomalies or patterns associated with cyber-attacks or security events. 

Unfortunately, SIEM solutions do not suit the long-term retention and retrieval requirements regulation often requires. LogLocker’s features and architecture are a complement to SIEM solutions, providing the long-term preservation requirements needed by a compliance team. In addition, LogLocker increases the return on investment in the SIEM solution by gaining further value from the hugely granular and event-rich data sets being used for security purposes.


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